Orchard Community Picnic, Burlington, Ontario

Become A Vendor

Become one of our Orchard Community Picnic Vendors


Connect with your community, meet your neighbours and gain awareness for your brand at the Orchard Community Picnic. We would love to have you join us!


Important things to note:

To be part of our displays and market, our committee requires a copy of a simple rider on your company’s insurance policy covering you for this event (in the amount of $2,000,000.00) by August 24, 2024.

If you require Insurance you may go through your own provider or the one below.
Backed by The Co-operators, Duuo provides Canadians with affordable vendor insurance that can be purchased in just a few clicks! Our vendors will enjoy exclusive rates on the cost of Duuo’s vendor insurance for the upcoming event. To get a free quote please CLICK HERE.